Bernedoodle Coat Types: How to Choose Your Perfect Pup

“Do Bernedoodles shed?”

Well, sometimes…

“Okayyy, are they at least always easy to groom?”

Err… sometimes…

Doodles, unfortunately, are not breeds made for straight answers.

But, there are tell tale signs to look out for to make sure you choose the perfect pup for your lifestyle.

(which, if you haven’t heard, is kind of our thing at Olive Branch Bernedoodles…)

Genetics determine all the important bits like shedding and easy-to-maintain coats. But, within each litter, the pups will have different mixes of genes.

So how in the world do you prepare?

Luckily, these particular genes are not very secretive.

In fact, they really like to show off. When a pup is 3-4 weeks old, bam, the genes come out to say hi. That’s early enough for you to factor them into your pup pros-and-cons list.

So, what’s the secret? How can you “see” the genes?

The answer is in the hair.

There are three types of Bernedoodle coats, and each is better for different families.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

The Straight Coat

We like to call this one the teddy bear coat. These pups are usually pretty fluffy and soft. They also tend to have more Bernese Mountain dog in them than poodle.

Here’s a pup in the Olive Branch Family with a straight coat:

The Curly Coat

Looking for luscious locks? Curly coat Bernedoodles love to show off the poodle in their doodle. They have tighter coats and more closely resemble their poodle ancestors.

Here’s a curly Olive Branch pup:

Chai in all her curly glory

The Wavy Coat

Hoping for the best of both worlds? Wavy coat Bernedoodles are right in the middle of their straight and curly coat friends.

Wavy coat pup who felt like modeling:

Daisy rocking her wavy coat

Looks aside, why do different Bernedoodle coats matter?

Well, each coat has its pros and cons. But pros for one person might be cons for another. It’s all up to your opinions and lifestyle. In other words, there’s a perfect pup for everyone!

Best coat for easy grooming:

If you want a low maintenance pup, a straight coat is going to be your best bet.

Curly pups need to be brushed more often and might need some extra trips to the groomers. Those luscious locks tend to get tangled (but let’s be real, they’re worth it!).

We like to invite our curly haired girls onto the couch at night for their own special spa time. It’s bonding for us, so we don’t mind the added responsibility.

But, if there’s way too many things on your plate already, a straighter coat will make your life easier.

(We confirmed this with one of our go-to trainers, who also happens to be a professional groomer. She said more curl = more matts.)

Best coat for low shedding:

If hair on the furniture is a hard no for you, you’re going to want a pup with a curly coat. Since these pups have more poodle in them, they are less likely to shed.

Keep in mind, straight hair pups don’t shed nearly as much as Bernese mountain dogs or other high shedding dogs. They just shed more than their curly haired friends.

So either way, your floors won’t have hair balls flying around. But if vacuuming is your least favorite chore, go with the curl!

(Side note, we have a roomba for our Bernese Mamas. We loooove our roomba.)

Best coat for floof factor:

If your main goal is to have a fluffy cuddle buddy that feels like a cloud in your lap, you’ll probably want a wavy or straight hair pup. They tend to be a little softer due to their under coats. More hair = more floof.

Best coat for a compromise:

You guessed it, wavy coats are great for pawrents who can’t decide if they hate brushing or vacuuming more.


If you don’t have a strong opinion about any of these things, don’t feel like you have to pick a wavy haired pup. Because honestly, personality should be the most important factor when you choose, if the mild shedding or grooming time won’t clash with your lifestyle too much.

We temperament test all our pups to help you choose a pup that fits in with your pace and energy.

(Which you can learn all about here)

Want to cuddle more than you play? We’ve got a pup for that. Need a pup who can handle screaming kiddos? We know how to test for that too.

Obviously if you have allergies, issues with shedding, or a jam packed schedule, you should absolutely take coat type into account.

But don’t feel like you have to make your decision based on coat type.

So, what’s the verdict?

If you really don’t want your pup to shed, ask for a pup with a curly coat. If you want the most options possible, wait for an f1b litter (1 Bernedoodle parent and 1 Poodle parent). These pups have more poodle to begin with, so they normally have curlier coats.

If you really don’t want to worry about brushing and grooming, ask for a pup with a straight coat. Pups with one Bernese Mountain Dog parent and one Poodle parent should give you the most options (F1 Bernedoodles).

If you don’t really care? Choose a pup based on personality once they are temperament tested.

Good luck finding your perfect pup… we just know you’re going to fall in love at first boop!


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