What are shy pups like as adults? A story of transformation

Are shy pups destined for a life of quiet?

Will they be stuck cowering forever?

Marley, a sweet boy from our Thanksgiving Pie litter, would like to make his case for all of the “low confidence” pups in the world.

He’s here to represent all the pups who are picked last. For every pup who doesn’t quite fall into the “middle of the road” temperament box. For all the pups who need a little extra love.

Because Marley’s story is a story of transformation.

And it all started at the Olive Branch…

How it all began

Marley was born as Shoofly, one of our sweet Thanksgiving Pie pups in 2022. He was the last pup born, and was smaller than all of his brothers and sisters.

And while his siblings were learning to explore the backyard, become friends with everyone they met, and tackle challenges with ease, Shoofly was… slower on the uptake.

He got scared very easily. And as much as I’d work to help improve his confidence, I knew he was going to need some extra love and care from his forever family. You can only do so much in a pup's first 8 weeks of life, especially when you don’t want to push them too hard!

So after we completed the litter’s temperament testing, I cautioned most families against choosing Shoofly. Most of them had young children, active lifestyles, or too little time to create the home environment I knew Shoofly needed. 

So again and again, he was passed over for one of his siblings. That is, until we got to the last family on our list.

They were a retired couple living in a beautiful town in Colorado. They wanted nothing more than a dog to train and love on, and they certainly didn’t want a high energy dog who’d want to go on arduous hikes every day.

Despite their eagerness, I still warned them. Shoofly was a sweetheart, but he’d need a lot of training.

They said they were up to the task, but I never could have imagined how serious they were about giving Shoofly the best life possible.

A fresh start

From day 1, they put Shoofly - lovingly named Marley -  first. 

For starters, they knew a plane ride all the way to Colorado would terrify their little boy. 

So instead of putting him through that stress, their daughter drove all the way out to California to pick him up. 

Marley got to his new home safe and happy.

And then, they then got right to work with socializing and training.

They were patient, allowing lots of recovery time, and never resorting to harsh punishments. Marley quickly proved that shyness was no indicator of his intelligence or his desire to learn. 

He grew quickly, started becoming friends with more people, and trusted his pawrents to keep him safe.

His intelligence was inspiring, but I think the real magic came from the fact that his parents saw what Marley was capable of. They didn’t see his shyness as a limitation. They saw it as a special part of him, and nurtured him for who he was, with high expectations they knew he could meet.

Touching hearts

How am I so sure they did a great job training Marley?

Because Marley became a licensed therapy pup.

If you’ve never looked into how demanding their evaluation is, let’s just say it isn’t for the faint of heart. And he passed with flying colors.

After earning his therapy license, Marley has gone to support people from every background, with every issue. Whoever needed some puppy love in their day got a snuggle from Marley.

Let’s start with the kiddos. Marley is a part of a reading program at a local elementary school. Kids look forward to grabbing a book and reading to an attentive and fluffy Marley. Then, towards the end of the school day, the teachers will send in a child with Autism, or a child who’s having a particularly hard time focusing that day. They get to spend some time petting Marley and recharging.

And when they return to the classroom, teachers are always amazed at how their attention is restored. They’re ready to jump right back in and participate. What a great lesson to pass down to the little ones, no? That it’s ok to step away and recharge when you need to?

Then, there’s the old folks. The ones living in nursing homes, trying to create a new life in their last chapter. They always love seeing Marley, but there’s one person who stood out from the rest. She had an advanced case of Alzheimer’s, and hadn’t spoken in over 6 months.

The nurses thought she might like to pet Marley, so they came in for a visit. Then, to everyone’s surprise, the sweet patient said the name of her dog from over ten years ago. The first word she had said in months, all because Marley showed up and brought back a beautiful memory. Needless to say, there were some tears in the room that day.

Marley’s dad told me their next adventure will be to visit a group of Immigrant Families who recently moved to their area. The families had expressed that their children missed their family dogs from back home. So Marley is participating in the Humane Society’s efforts to bring a group of dogs and some cheer into their upturned lives. So generous, and so so beautiful!

It takes a big heart, and even more courage to step into people’s lives and bring so much joy and kindness. Marley and his family are true superheroes!

A call to all families trying to find their perfect pup

Every family has something different they’re looking for in a pup. That’s why I hope, for everyone who’s looking to bring home a new family member, that you’ll take the time to figure out what you want in a dog. And then use your heart as a guide to find that special pup.

It can be challenging not to pick the “cutest” pup or the one that everyone seems to have their eye on. But truly, everyone will be happier if you look for the signs and choose the pup that fits with your lifestyle. 

Active or calm, loud or quiet, big or small, there is a pup that was made for you. And I know you can find each other.

And who knows, they might even be the shy little runt who’s ready to melt hearts and show you what he’s made of, like Marley <3

Are you searching for your perfect pup?

Here’s how we can help!

If you’re interested in bringing home a Bernedoodle, you can set up your phone interview by filling out an application. Or you can check out our upcoming litters.

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